Arte Orientale su Antiquariato Arsantik

Antiquariato Arsantik

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      Arte Orientale, Antiquariato Cinese, Antiquariato Giapponese, Antiquariato Indiano, Antiquariato Islamico, altro

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    Trovati 15 oggetti   -   Pagina: 2 di 3   -  |<  <-  1 2 3  ->  >|

     Indonesian Tribal Art - Horn spoon, Timor Island, Indonesia.

    Indonesian Tribal Art - Horn spoon, Timor Island, Indonesia.

    Collection of ’Ceremonial Serving spoons’ in water buffalo horn. 3 of 5. - This is a carved horn spoon from Timor Island, Indonesia. With birds motif, front and back.19th century.

      GIANCORRADO FORIN - ROMA (RM) Tel.: 328 18 66 100    


    Indonesian Tribal Art - Horn spoon, Timor Island, Indonesia.

    Indonesian Tribal Art - Horn spoon, Timor Island, Indonesia.

    Collection of ’Ceremonial Serving spoons’ in water buffalo horn.. - This is a carved horn spoon from Timor Island, Indonesia. With animal motif, front and back.19th century. 20 cm.. in heigh.

      GIANCORRADO FORIN - ROMA (RM) Tel.: 328 18 66 100    


     Indonesian Tribal Art - Horn spoon, Timor Island, Indonesia.

    Indonesian Tribal Art - Horn spoon, Timor Island, Indonesia.

    Collection of ’Ceremonial Serving spoons’ in water buffalo horn. 2 of 6. - This is a carved horn spoon from Timor Island, Indonesia. With human motif, front and back.Early 19th century. 9,75 in. in heigh.

      GIANCORRADO FORIN - ROMA (RM) Tel.: 328 18 66 100    


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     altro (4)   Antiquariato Cinese (5)   Antiquariato Giapponese (2)   Antiquariato Indiano (1)  

     Antiquariato > Arte Orientale