Denis Diderot, Encyclopédie, 1770. 4 Hand engraving. Plate mark: 14“ x 9 3/4“. Excellent con - Arsantik Antiques



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    Denis Diderot, Encyclopédie, 1770. 4 Hand engraving. Plate mark: 14“ x 9 3/4“. Excellent con
    Denis Diderot, Encyclope&#769;die, 1770. 4 Hand engraving. Plate mark: 14“ x 9 3/4“. Excellent con

    Denis Diderot (1713-1784) was a French philosopher and art critic of tremendous historical importance as a proponent of the Enlightenment movement. ( il prezzo si intende per foglio singolo )
    Period: 18th Century
    Measures: 0h x 0l x 0p
    Condition: Ottimo
    Price :€ 50,00

    Item details
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    Item notes
    . He is best known as the co-founder, editor and contributor to the famous encyclopedia “Encyclopedie ou Dictionnaire raissonne des sciences, des arts et des métiers“, par une Societe de Gens de lettres. Il prezzo si intende pe foglio singolo!

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